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- Welcome New Student
- Principal's Message
- International Students Term 3
- Puketaha Pics
- Teachers Strike
- E-Pro 8 Challenge
- Board of Trustee Elections
- Cross Country - Tuesday 28th May
- Illness
- 2021 Sports Team Photos
- Puketaha PTA Fundraiser - Sileni Wines
- Arbor Day Planting Puawai 5 & 6
- Sport Waikato Nugget
- Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsors
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Children,
On Monday this week I received a very thoughtful gift from a colleague that was centred around a conversation we were having about leadership. The gift was a book titled 'Legacy'. Legacy is a book about the operation that is the All Blacks and what the All Blacks can teach us about life. While I have only just started reading this book, a key message that has come through, is that no one person, is above any task that improves the team and how even the perceived smallest of tasks, can have a much larger positive impact.
It is the message of valuing / noticing the small things in life that I shared with the children at Monday's assembly. It is far too easy to let the moment of acknowledging the small things pass us by, or passing up an opportunity to do an act of good that by nature may be perceived as small, but can have a significant influence.
My experience with this scenario is just that. To my colleague, it was to him probably just a small act, not that big of deal. But in fact it's impact is big. Not only was it thoughtful and generous, it showcases his ability to listen and respond. In addition the impact of personal growth from reading and learning from what is proving to be a thoughtful book that brings Rugby and Leadership together (two high interests of mine). In addition it has provided an excellent context for me to share what I feel is a really important message. The message being, 'be prepared to act in small ways as the impact they can have can be big and make a point of appreciating the small things that often lie in front of us'.
Warm Regards
Recently through the support of our Board and key parents, we have become a Signatory of the Code to host and enrol International Students. This is an exciting time moving forward for Puketaha School as we open our doors for all our children to embrace and engage with international students. As a school we believe the experience for our students will be rich and will grow their knowledge and appreciation for a range of cultures as well as their role in becoming global citizens.
Next term we will be hosting three separate groups from China, each group for a two week period. Our first group which has 10 Students arrive on the first day back. Our planning is well underway to ensure their time and experience for both our children and them is a positive one.
Homestays Required: Some of these children and their parents are needing a Homestay and we are welcoming expressions of interest from our families who may wish to become Homestay hosts for the 2 week or the 6 week period. Each host will be remunerated $525.00 a child for the 15 night stay and $560.00 for an adult. If you feel this may interest you please contact Christine in our office to request a Homestay Application Form. Alternatively, please find it attached here.
By now you may have caught up with the news that there is another planned nationwide teachers (primary and secondary) strike on Wednesday 29th May. The Board have made the decision to close the school on the day.
On behalf of our team I would like to ensure you (our community) that striking is not an enjoyable or desired outcome for anyone and that as a team we would much rather be with the children getting on with the business of teaching and learning. However, in the current climate we absolutely feel we have little to no other option in the pursuit of better conditions (nationally), for education in this country. Conditions that support learning outcomes for all.
We thank you for your support and understanding with this matter and the inconvenience it creates for all.
A couple of week ago, Puketaha School had 4 teams of Year 5-8 children participate in the E-Pro8 Challenge. The E-Pro8 challenge is an engineering and problem solving competition where teams are presented with a variety of problems to choose from. Using the equipment provided to them in their workstation, the teams of 4 work together to complete the challenges. It was an intense 3 hours! All the children represented our school so well, showing how they can think outside the box, work collaboratively and persevere when faced with new challenges.
One of our Year 7 and 8 teams performed particularly well and won the Hamilton heat, which was a real achievement. Congratulations to Timothy Dobbs, Isabella McCarthy, Elizabeth Macdonald and Cameron Jonkers.
They will now go into the Semi Finals which will be held on Wednesday the 3rd of July at Maeroa Intermediate, 5pm- 8pm. We wish them good luck for this next stage in the event.
Nomination forms have been posted out to all eligible voters. If you have not received yours further copies are available from the school office.
Nominations Close on Friday 24th May.
The elections will be held on Friday 7th June 2019. If you are interested in standing for a board position and would like to know more contact the Board Chairperson Ali Grigg.
As the winter is approaching there will be more colds & flus around, please keep your child home if they are ill and support us to minimise the spread of infections. A medical certificate will be requested if your child is away for more than 3 days.
A reminder that if your child has diarrhoea and or vomiting they must stay away from school for 48 hours from the last episode.
Absences can be notified either:
Via the school App, phone message - 07 8243870 or Text notifications to 020 404 28607 - (please do not phone or leave a message on this number)
Photos will be taken on the morning of Monday 16th August. This includes sports teams who played in Term 1.
All children MUST bring their sports gear on the day.
Start time is 9am with photo order as follows:
Hockey teams - Bring sports shirt, shoes, socks & black shorts
Basketball Teams - Basketball singlet, black shorts & shoes
Cricket Teams - Shorts & Shoes - sports shirt if you have one.
Netball Teams - Netball uniform & shoes
Touch Teams - Shoes, sports shirt,black shorts
If you do not have a school sports uniform from summer sports one will be provided for you.
All Managers and Coaches are welcome to come along and have a photo with their team.
You can preorder and pay for Sports photos HERE or scan the QR code. Free delivery on all orders expires on Monday 6th Sepetmber.
Puketaha PTA Fundraiser - Sileni Wines
Thank you to our families that have already supported this PTA fundraiser. The PTA hope that through our community we are able to sell as many bottles of wines as possible to raise funds for the refurbishment of our school pool.
Last day for orders is Friday 24th May.
Your support with this is very much appreciated
Arbor Day Planting Puawai 5 & 6
31 May 2019
31 May 2019
31 May 2019