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A warm welcome to our new students: Zoe Burgess, Miguel Gaviria, Hector Sanchez-Gaviria, Jeffry Sanchez-Gaviria, Valentina Sanchez-Gaviria.
We’ve been enjoying all the fun activities that come with a summer term—swimming, plenty of opportunities for outdoor learning, the Try Challenge, and our Year 5/6 camp at Tui Ridge in Rotorua.
As a school, we aim to provide extracurricular opportunities that give children the chance to try new things beyond their everyday school life. Camps are a great example of this, offering activities like rock climbing, abseiling, flying fox, orienteering, and bush skills. Beyond the excitement, these experiences also play an important role in children's development, helping them learn to assess and take risks safely.
Research shows that children who engage in managed risk-taking develop stronger decision-making skills and a better understanding of their own capabilities. A study by Sandseter and Kennair (2011) suggests that early exposure to risk helps reduce anxiety, builds resilience, and decreases the likelihood of unsafe risk-taking as teenagers. When children face challenges, whether it’s a high ropes course or an obstacle challenge, they build confidence and develop valuable life skills.
It has been fantastic to see so many of our students stepping up to try new things this term. Taking on challenges, big or small, helps build resilience, and we were especially proud of our younger students who bravely took on the Try Challenge. This was a new experience for many of them and it was great to see them give it a try with the support of their caring Big Buddies. They were so courageous.
We have another fun day on the horizon with the Colour Run on Wednesday 26th March. Hopefully, you will have seen the information on this on HERO. This event is not only fun, it also raises money for our school.
Even though summer has officially finished, hopefully, we keep enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having and the use of the outdoors.
Have a great rest of your week,
Ngaa mihi
Nyree Olliver
With Autumn is approaching there will be more colds & flus around, please keep your child home if they are ill and support us to minimise the spread of infections. A medical certificate will be requested if your child is away for more than 3 days.
A reminder that if your child has diarrhoea and or vomiting they must stay away from school for 48 hours from the last episode.
Absences can be notified either:
Via the HERO App, phone message - 07 8243870 or Text notifications to 020 404 28607 - (please do not phone or leave a message on this number)
As you may well be aware we have launched the Colour Run fundraising campaign, details of which have gone out on the Hero App.
What a fantastic first week of donations! The first lot of spot prizes will go out at Monday morning’s hui. It is so good to see the support shown by our friends and family sponsoring our children and to the businesses who have sponsored a colour station a big thank you to you also. ( Safeguard Self Storage, Pool Clean, Hamilton Fencing Ltd , Lawn Solutions, Anything Communications Ltd, Westpac, Hamilton Industrial Powder Coating, The Moment Catchers ) This event is on the afternoon of Wednesday 26 March. We will need parent helpers and welcome family to come along and watch the run. There (fingers crossed) is going to be a fire engine there spraying water on the kids so the paint powder sticks a bit better to their wet t-shirts. The kids will love it.
Before that, as a PTA social event/ fundraiser we have a golf day at the Hukanui Golf Club.(Sunday March 16th.) There are a few spots available for teams entries and hole sponsorship. Would be great to see some new faces at this. It’s an Ambrose event so all abilities welcome. We currently have one team of two who would like to find another pair to join up with. Let me know if you would like to enter a team (or half team.) Thank you those who have signed up for sponsor a golf hole so far, or donated prizes or auction items (Good George, Inghams Waitoa, Chaytor Fences, Sniks Snacks, Waikato Pumps, Prolorus, Hamilton Fencing Ltd, KPMG, Bunnings, Power Farming, Captain Compost.) We really appreciate your support.
Also just a reminder if anyone has any book donations, the PTA are having a book sale inside at the Puketaha Community Hall Market Day on the Saturday 22nd. We are also having a small stall outside for more garage sale type items but you would have to donate these on the day as we don’t really have a place to store them. If it is raining we may skip the outside stall.
Any queries flick me a message.
Kind regards,
Merynn Connors
Puketaha PTA Chairperson
M 027 629 6820 E:
Waikato District Council News
News from your local Waikato District Councillors – February 2025
Change is a constant and councils are no different.
Waikato District Council has welcomed a new CEO this month, confirmed major new
roading contracts for the district starting on 1 July, and we expect to enter into
consultation with you by the end of March on a new Long Term Plan as well as a
proposal for a joint Waters CCO (council controlled organisation) with Hamilton City.
See your Tamahere-Woodlands ward councillors; monthly update for February here:
Contact your Tamahere-Woodlands Ward Councillors:
Crystal Beavis, mob 0275 957 927, email
Mike Keir, mob 027 449 3012, email
Puketaha School is still participating in the Ikura | Manaakitia te whare tangata, the period products in schools’ initiative. Free period products are available for students who want them. These are stored in the Girls Puaawai toilets.
Pick-up/Drop off from HAMILTON, TAURANGA & AUCKLANDBased at Ngamuwahine Lodge (SH29, Tauranga), this affordable 4 day camp is for children aged 7-13 looking for a mix of our usual fun outdoors activities including, archery, target shooting, bush walks, swimming, hut building, camp fires and much more.
Book at: